Digital Images

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Steel Images
Statement pertaining to the series "Ethereal Luminescence"

My mother told me to "hold the camera steady." My father said, "use a faster shutter speed." My professor barked, "good grief, use a tripod." At first, I listened, but later I changed my mind. It's much more fun to move my camera violently, creating a symphonic explosion of color, light and motion.

Ethereal Luminescence is an ongoing series of abstract, expressionistic photographs that I originally created at a light show and continue to capture at fireworks shows, urban street scenes and amusement parks. Through abstraction, my photographs capture the drama and excitement of the vibrant and colorful public places that we all enjoy so much.

Ethereal Luminescence began in a botanical garden forest, at night, where people were excitedly viewing a light show. The spectators viewing this show were having great fun, and I wanted to portray that in my photos. After turning the problem of camera motion into an asset, the magic began to happen and was visible on the camera display as colorful abstractions. Amazed show goers volunteered their comments. "Wow! What is that? This is magic! How did you do that? I can't believe the color! These don't look like photographs!" Indeed. My in-camera images are not intended to look like traditional photographs. In the end, I am not concerned with the original subject or even the place, but rather the final work as a piece of art. This project has evolved as I continue to capture those joyful feelings at dozens of public events that use dramatic lighting. The colorful and popular gatherings make people feel good and my Ethereal Luminescence photographs express those feelings in a unique and memorable way. Enjoy!